The Cube of Life :Life lessons from Rubik’s Cube.

Recently I was demonstrating my 9 year old son on how to solve a Rubik's cube, and while assisting him in the process on how to put all the similar colored cubes together, I was patiently looking at the cube and was watching my son revolving it in a haphazard manner, and at that moment... Continue Reading →

Run is the new Rum, A lazy person’s guide to running marathons.

This blog is dedicated to all my folks who are super lazy, beer guzzlers, cheeseburger and pizza eaters, late-night party goers, procrastinators, foodies, smokers, Netflix, Social media & gaming addicts, couch potatoes, gym and physical exercise avoiders and beer belly flaunter's , sleeping being their favorite sport(just like me), and the only run they love... Continue Reading →

A shot of Tranquility

Outside of our own busy and chaotic lives, out there in the lap of nature there lies tranquility, where there are no worries, there is no hurry , there is no unrest , there is no insecurity, there is no competition, there are no fears, there are no deadlines, there are no ego's, there are... Continue Reading →

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